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Minerva Daisy - Substitute

Bimm Manchester Weekly Features 2nd Edition

Photos by tomhetzelmcr

A theatrical tale of love and loss, Substitute is a staccato, jumpy and emotional indie-pop ballad dealing in ‘red wine’ and ‘morphine’ induced heartbreak. Minerva Daisy is herself a force to be reckoned with, as she wields her effective, progressive song-writing alongside a strong will to do good for all the women and girls inside and out of her sphere.

Creatively produced vocals combine with playful rhythm and melody as the lyrics of Substitute - which releases on April 2nd - speak the truth of sonic juxtaposition. The song is one of pain and exasperation, though almost an unsurprised and sarcastic criticism of Minerva Daisy’s trust in an unnamed lover. The stop-start texture of the verses places the listener on edge waiting for the next burst of sound, which leaves plenty of room for extra percussion and vocal reverb swells on tactically chosen voice lines.

Dextrous piano scales flit around the track like butterflies – or wasps – as Minerva Daisy’s powerful vocals sting and bite their way through a narrative, which is represented appropriately in the minor tonalities of the chorus. Throughout both sections, her soul influences can be heard in the soaring harmonies. Minerva Daisy is also unafraid to allow her accent to drip through with a voice full of individuality, making for a more personal connection to her lyrics.

‘Channelling her influences yet adding her own personal touch with lyrics that contemplate issues such as female empowerment, love, relationships and body positivity, Minerva’s music represents a soundscape like no other, with retro feeling and modern sensibilities appealing to anybody who considers themselves a fan of music.’

In a wider context, Minerva Daisy is a bold advocate on the front lines of current, and lasting, issues regarding women’s rights and treatment. Co-hosting the recent event ‘Women Who Boss It’ – of which you only need to glimpse the title to understand the goal of - Minerva Daisy adds to a long list of live events and shows which she already has under her belt. Following interviews with Female Empowerment Matters and active bookings with label Rebel Riot Records, she has absolutely no intention of slowing down her unapologetic plight for betterment, bringing well-needed style and vigour to an industry which has been downtrodden for too long.

Photos by tomhetzelmcr



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